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Channel: WUTB MyTV Baltimore 24
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Sunday Mornings at 1:00 a.m.
That's The Reality Of It
Hello: I am William Allen, the president of Odyssey Productions. I produced a reality show that airs on WBFF-Fox™ THIS TV every Sunday at 6:30 a.m. called That's The Reality Of It. The main focus of the show is on community and social issues; such as health and medical issues, political and the judicial system, crime, violence, drugs, legal matters and the problems we face and struggle with on an everyday basis. We talk about these issues in real terms and in a kitchen table dialogue. In other words we tell it like it is. We get answers to these problems from various people in the community including politicians, parents, doctors, teachers, lawyers, kids, business professionals and people of all walks of life. The show also features special segments that have been purchased by individuals and companies to promote their services and or business. The show also includes entertainment, comedy satire and down to earth commentary. It has become one of the top shows for getting real and honest answers to real and serious questions; that you may or may not like but no one else dare to ask. We prick your conscience and speak to your way of life and the things you can do better.
The show is exciting and real. If you are interested in being apart of this show, contact my office at 443-394-7333. The exposure your business will get is tremendous. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Here is one today "A Reality of Life" Read Story Below....
Monday-Friday & Saturday
By Appointment

It was always your Life to live
Hey world I was born a child of God, My father fought with Jehovah witnesses, while caressing the love of satan. Beguile by his own evil; he beat my mother's body and spirit; until she lost her mind. I embraced hate, love, sorrow and tears, lust and fears, as my life grew into a kaos of adventures. I entered an odyssey of madness, insanity, and dark visions. Every government housing project new my name, every ghetto had a piece of my flesh, every drunk recognize my face and many nice girls was a victim of my contempt and abuse of the heart. A positive attitude was not taught to me, but God found me where I was and blessed me with a new way of thinking. He took me from the streets of confusion, racism, hate, abuse and abusing, pity and self destruction and most of all excuses. Excuses that allows you to blame, your father, your mother, the white man and even God while you lay in an alley cradling the drugs and the bottle you made love to. Blaming the home that housed anger and pain and blaming every turn you made; but when you finished pointing the finger, make sure you are in front of the mirror, for the true blame will be in front of you. Look at the weak-minded fool, who always had choices, with every decision, blame yourself then change your spirit, get a life then put God first. It was always yours to live.

The Psalms of David School of Music
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"Where We Tell It Like It Is"